In-house Training

In addition to technical training, sbvtc also provides a wealth of internal training courses for companies, such as induction training for new employees, continuing education for in-service employees, training for factory managers and team leaders, etc., to help companies cultivate comprehensive high-quality talents.

Training of team leaders and group leaders of production plants


Introduction of sophisticated production methods and equipment, soaring salaries (due to shortage in skilled labor force) and high prices for raw materials are only some of the factors which enterprises in China have to face.

More than ever, enterprises are therefore depending on self responsible and highly efficient team and group leaders on shop floor level who are capable to motivate and lead their colleagues. Team and group leaders of industrial plants should not only have technical skills and be familiar with production means: they should also have insight into its inner organization,have a general understanding of the company’s targets and be able to communicate these targets towards the members of their team.

They have an important function as a link between different departments in their factory and between blue collar workers and white collar management. Last but not least they are responsible for healthy and safe working conditions and play an important role in guaranteeing high quality standards during the production process.
Our service comprises in house training in small groups and on modular basis. The training modules are modeled according to contents of the further qualification of German ‘Industriemeister’. Our trainers are experts in human resources, production planning, finance, logistics, quality control and safety instruction. They all have several years of professional experience in international and Chinese enterprises in mainland China. All lessons are held in Chinese. Weekly training sessions are accompanied by ‘home work’ realized in form of projects. The training results are summarized after every session.

Target group

Participants of our training classes are fore workers and technicians of production plants or skilled workers with several years working experience.


- Labor law

- Work efficiency

- Collaboration in the company / teamwork 

- Technical training

 - Internal organization of the company: financial planning,
production planning etc

 -  Quality control

 - Train the trainer

 -  Environmental and health safety